Always going with the flow, by simply accepting the reality of every situation. Able to be very assertive when it is needed.
They know how to get things started and done. It's just that they appreciate privacy and tend to share little of their life(exceptions are close friends and family). This does not mean that they seek isolation from other people. Someone who likes to keep a certain mystery about themselves. This also means that as a person you will constantly change and evolve. Desiring to ascend in life leads you to learn many new things. Ambition is always pushing you towards new heights. Often preferring to stay at home in silence to get lost in your own thoughts.
Full of intricate inner thoughts you can seem shy at times. They do not talk unless they have something important to say. This usually results in hobbies such as reading or listening to music. They do not like solitude but consider it necessary for clarity. Mostly cautious or a little reserved when getting to know new people. Old souls that posses great wisdom and insight. Will and determination are their virtues. Someone who is able to inspire people even if times are tough. Their best quality is that they will treat everybody fairly. Creating space gives others a chance to develop. True leaders who sometimes have trouble taking a step back and giving room to others. People with a somewhat dominant character. Finding the positive in every situation is one of their gifts. Never ones to waste time by complaining about hardships. Instead they make objective decisions and learn from mistakes to not repeat the same ones again. Taking life as it is by not trying to fight reality. You can often find them cleaning at home or trying to bring more order to their life. They are practical and live an organized life. Down to earth people who have their feet on the ground. In that sense the life path of number eight is high as well as low. Thus you maintain a very ambivalent relationship with money. However being able to get money and managing it wisely are two very different things. Shtimja meaning on a financial level Attracted by money you also know how to get it. Your weak points are: the nose, muscles, kidneys, genitals, lymph, immune system. Lively with high energy levels and a good ability to recover. The biggest weakness is your need to do too much and therefore constantly tapping into your energy reserves. What wellness means to Shtimja? Figure of questioning and rebirth. Suitable occupations: finance, justice or law professions, building, the interior decoration, business, of sale or trade, activities linked to the army or the police, the middle of the sports, astrology, clairvoyance, numerology, psychology, all management, administrative or political positions and sometimes media. Good strategist who knows perfectly well what he is doing while mastering all sectors in which he is involved. Being passionate you need movement, never liking monotony. Always leading the ship with a good sense of appropriateness and repartee! Demanding to yourself but also with others you are honest and fair. Giving your body and soul to projects or activities that you love. Voluntary, purposeful, effective never fearing work overload.
Shtimja meaning related to work Fulfillment for this person depends on professional success.

Being a whirlwind people can not help but notice you! Constantly questioning your beliefs is one of your strong points. Having an inner nature that incites taking advantage of the present moment and living life to the fullest can however sometimes make you pretty hard to live with, because of your self destructive behavior. Whole, stubborn, willful you are a fighter who can rise mountains with his determination. Attracting risk or adrenaline brings full control and makes you own your fate. You love explosive, incredible or unexpected situations, because they arise a thousand emotions inside. That is why you need to vibrate on a daily basis and always avoid lukewarm stuff! Full of passion and intuitive you are a real electric current. The name Shtimja meaning and personality analysis.