2 Michael Loux, "Significatio and Suppositio: Reflections on Ockham's Semantics," The New Scholasticism 53(1979): 423-24, Patrick Hochart, 'Le signe et sa duplicite," in La philosophic mëdievale (du icr au XVe siècle), ed.

'Teodoro de Andrés, El nomirialismo de Guillermo de Ockham coino filosoha del lenguaje (Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 1969) 219-20, 233-36, and passim. The History of Philosophy edited in French by François Chãtelet in 1972 has a chapter on Ockham written by Patrick Hochart, the main theme of which is that the primary character of a linguistic sign is that of being a part of a proposition.' And Joel Biard, in a French paper on "the Ockhamist *1 wish to thank John Boler, Sten Ebbesen, Jerry Etzkorn, and Robert Nadeau for helpful comments on prior versions of this paper, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for its financial assistance. I will call them "propositionalist interpretations of Ockham's semantics." They are not the only ones in the literature. For Loux's Ockham, "the meaning of a general term is a function of the roles it plays in propositional contexts" and "it is impossible to isolate a non-propositional component in a speaker's linguistic knowledge."' André? and Loux's interpretations are remarkably similar to each other. Su apellido, pues, corresponde simplemente al lugar de origen. For de Andrés' Ockham, the proposition rather than the term is "the primary complete linguistic unit" and the "primary reality" of knowledge.' On the other hand, the expression "semantical atomism" is used by Michael Loux in a 1979 paper to characterize the standard terminist tradition which, he claims, Ockham breaks with. como hijo de su época, nace Guillermo de Ockham, 3 probablemente en el año 1285 (en esto sigo la edición Orbis, en Los Sucesivos y la Editorial Norma de Cara y Cruz), en el pueblo inglés de Ockham, condado de Surrey, al sur de Londres. Lo nico que existe es lo singular, lo concreto, lo particular, no hay necesidad alguna de postular la necesidad. JjQJ'}1O PROPOSITIONALISM AND ATOMISM IN OCKHAM'S SEMANTICS* The term "propositional ism" has been proposed as a label for Ockham's theory of language by the Spanish scholar Teodoro de Andrés in his 1969 book, El nominalismo de Guillermo de Ockham como filosofia del lenguaje. Principio nominalista El nominalismo de Ockham es radical, al afirmar que los universales son slo los nombres de las cosas.